Geology & History Hopi House by Common Jones September 4, 2018 Built in 1905 by the prolific first female architect of the west, Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter, Hopi House is a National Historic Landmark that has been selling authentic Native American Crafts for…
BikingGeology & HistoryHikingOutdoor ActivitiesRoutes & Itineraries Cool Spaces in Hot Places: Picture Canyon by Common Jones September 4, 2018 Once a locals secret just inside Flagstaff, the only waterfall inside Flagstaff sits inside a now Nature and Cultural Preserve, protected from the encroachment of development and industry. Serving as a quintessential…
Entertainment & ToursEvents & CelebrationsGeology & HistoryStory & Song Museum of Northern Arizona by Common Jones September 4, 2018 Flagstaff is a popular passover for visitors to the Grand Canyon and most other itineraries to the South West. Which is excellent, because Flagstaff has a lot of cool, and interesting things…
BikingEntertainment & ToursGeology & HistoryOutdoor ActivitiesRoutes & ItinerariesStory & Song Hermit’s Rest Tour by Common Jones September 4, 2018 First time visitors to the Grand Canyon might be a little overwhelmed with all there is to do. If you’re having trouble deciding where to begin, looking for an immersive experience, and…
Geology & HistoryHikingOutdoor ActivitiesRoutes & Itineraries Cool Spaces in Hot Places: Keyhole Sink by Common Jones September 4, 2018 Between Williams and Flagstaff, along US highway 40, sits a neat grotto tucked away into the National Forest along an unassuming stretch of road. The area is a peaceful stretch, but finding…
Geology & HistoryHikingOutdoor ActivitiesRoutes & Itineraries Mt. Elden Pueblo by Common Jones September 4, 2018 On the eastern side of Flagstaff, visitors will find an easily accessible archeological site open to the public. Not well advertised or well know, this place packs a surprising punch for visitors. …
BikingEntertainment & ToursFeaturedGeology & HistoryHikingOutdoor ActivitiesRoutes & Itineraries Yaki Point by Common Jones August 19, 2018 One of my favorite routes in the park is the six mile round trip Rim Trail to the east of the visitor center. Often referred to as the Yaki Point Route, this…
HikingOtherOutdoor Activities Hiking Tips: Trekking Poles by Common Jones August 19, 2018 Gear is a constant consideration for a trip, for some its an obsession, for others it’s a burden. Somethings are truly necessary, and well, others just were never needed in the first…
BikingEntertainment & ToursFeaturedGeology & HistoryOutdoor ActivitiesStory & Song Renting Bikes in the Grand Canyon by Common Jones August 19, 2018 Visitors to the Grand Canyon have a lot of options, with about 30 miles of rim trail to explore, a historic village, hiking trails, and the Desert View Drive; there’s often very…